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_1090346 Joecey Lewers shoots three_1090368 Payzlee Fitzgerald lays-up_1090377 Kayleigh Logon shoots three_1090394 Joecey Lewers pressures_1012486 Bailee Bishop rebounds_1012510 Kalli Trimble shoots three_1012514 Kalli Trimble free throw_1012518 Erin Langston lays-up_1012530 Lainey Teel rebounds_1012552 Lainey Teel rebounds_1012555 Joecey Lewers saves_1012559 Erin Langston shoots_1012576 Kayleigh Logan shoots three_1012584 Lainey Teel free throw_1012587 supportive alumni_1012593 Payzlee Fitzgerland eyes three_1012597 Payzlee Fitzgerald and Lainey Teel defend_1012602 Erin Langston free throw_1012606 Lainey Teel goes up_1012617 Landrie Boyd reaches
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