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P_098126 Kalli Trimble tip-offP_098145 Bailee Bishop and Lainey Teel pressP_098164 Kalli Trimble dribblesP_098181 Alexis Wilmut lays-upP_098186 Erin Langston tracks ballP_098189 Erin Langson tracks reboundP_098193 Joecey Lewers jumperP_098194 lady panthers and flyers collideP_098206 Lainey Teel and Alexis Wilmut tie-upP_098208 Payzlee Fitzgerald shoots threeP_098211 Kayleigh Logan rebounds_1703955 Bailee Bishop jumper_1703958 Kalli Trimble presses_1703973 Kalli Trimble contested lay-up_1703974 Landri Boyd shoots three_1703979 Kallie Trimble free-throw_1703991 Lainey Teel passes_1703993 Alexis Wilmut shoots_1704010 Lainey Teel disrupts pass_1704013 Piper Hallman lays-up
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