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P1000001-05hdr bleachers fill in before commencement_1530049 grad balloonsP1000010 crowd fills in_1530122 Parker Gant ready to graduate_1530130 Makayla Gould waves_1530154 Riley Woodward gives invocation_1530161 Zoe Goodson recognized military_1530168 Vanessa Veloz national anthem_1530171 Jonathan Gallegos gives introductions_1530181 Aubree Bedford gives history of mace_1530199 Mike Sorenson celebrates class of 2023_1530227 Mike Sorenson addresses graduates_1530229 Mike Sorenson addresses graduates_1530230 Campbell Littlefield give salutatory address_1530238 Campbell Littlefield nervous laughter_1530246 Jon Loredo gives class history_1530253 Maddy Tucker gives class history_1530256 Carmyn Heim reacts to history_1530258 Mylee Fischer give class history_1530270 Ali Jordan does sound check
This gallery will be available through September 09, 2066. Remind me again later