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_1244746 colorgaurd mini-campers meet buzz_1244780 season entrance_1244787 season entrance_1244826 Dawson Pendergrass sheds eagles_1244908 JaMarcus Kennedy wraps up_1245035 TJ Moreland cuts_1245053 Dawson Pendergrass scores first_1245098 TJ Moreland secures takeaway_1245115 Byrson Myers escorts Dawson Pendergrass to endzone_1245116 Byrson Myers escorts Dawson Pendergrass to endzone_1245127 Dawson Pendergrass diving td_1245162 swarm tackle_1245188 Braydon Alley tackles_1245201 Adam Blalock and Chris Rossie stand-up eagle_1245202 Adam Blalock and Chris Rossie stand-up eagle_1245242 Dawson Pendergrass steals two_1159333 colorgaurd mini-campers_1159342 colorguard_1159348 Maddie Tucker directs crowd_1159356 we will rock you
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