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_1631317 wheeler_1631327 wheeler_1631351 hi-five_1631370 mr potato sprout Ty Holifield_1631376 Emmy Lou Hays wide-eyed_1631396 Emmy Lou Hays has stage presence_1631404 Gentry_1631410 stare_1631420 miss potato sprout Saylor Houtz_1631428 heartbreaker_1631438 grin_1631453 stage edge peak_1631459 grin_1631475 Cacie Lennon awards Delainey James outstanding outfit_1631487 miss potato sprout Saylor Houtz_1631494 pleading with judges_1631509 perhaps bedtime_1631511 joyous Eloise Wilcoxson_1631521 miss potato spud Eloise Wilcoxson_1631532 dragon racer
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